Friday, August 7, 2009

Artist Spotlight: Zai Kuang

This week Eva Breuer Art Dealer would like to spotlight Zai Kuang who recently had a show titled Children's World (click here to view the exhibition). We still have some of his work in the gallery so please stop by to see these stunning paintings.

"I hope that when people look at my paintings, they can fell the quality of purity, simplicity and harmony by hearts. This feeling contrasts to the outside world."
-Zai Kuang, July 2009

Who (or what) do you consider your artistic inspiration?

My subjects come from daily life.

Do you listen to music while you work, and if so, what is most often playing?

No. I often work in quiet environment. It makes me more concentrate on my painting. The more you concentrate, the more you will get.

Who of your peers do you respect the most?

Lucian Freud.

Eva Breuer and Zai Kuang in front of his work for Children's World

Do you have any habits/rituals or strange superstitions when painting?

Yes, Silence.

When did you decide to become an artist?

I was in primary school.

What is your favourite colour?

Blue and Grey colour.

Small works hung for Zai Kuang's previous show Children's World

Do you have a favourite painting or work of art? If so, what is it?

some of Lucian Freud’s paintings.

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