The representation of food has always had a presence within the realm of the visual arts. The sharing of food and drink is a communal behavior similar to the way art acts as a forum for dialogue. This collection of paintings from the gallery stock room explores the appearance of food in not only traditional still life paintings and banquet scenes but also in figurative paintings such as David Boyd’s Two Children with apple and orange and Ray Crooke’s Villagers Relaxing.

The still life paintings range from knobby yellow capsicums by Ena Joyce to Elisabeth Kruger’s perfectly round clementines that appear to be rosy and ripe. Sophie Dunlop’s opulent coloured etchings display fruits scattered among various bowls and pitchers with a background echoing the aesthetic of a Roman fresco. Dunlop layers the connections between food and art by referencing art itself within the genre of a still life. With this in mind, the quite composition of a jar of paint brushes and a lone squash in Judy Cassab’s Untitled painting can be viewed as the crux of the exhibition and a celebration of creative output, both artistic and culinary.

Food & Art will be on view starting March 26th at Eva Breuer Art Dealer.

The still life paintings range from knobby yellow capsicums by Ena Joyce to Elisabeth Kruger’s perfectly round clementines that appear to be rosy and ripe. Sophie Dunlop’s opulent coloured etchings display fruits scattered among various bowls and pitchers with a background echoing the aesthetic of a Roman fresco. Dunlop layers the connections between food and art by referencing art itself within the genre of a still life. With this in mind, the quite composition of a jar of paint brushes and a lone squash in Judy Cassab’s Untitled painting can be viewed as the crux of the exhibition and a celebration of creative output, both artistic and culinary.

Food & Art will be on view starting March 26th at Eva Breuer Art Dealer.